Economic Stimulus

In January of 2003, President George W. Bush proposed several programs for the purpose of stimulating the United States’ economy. This article provides comments on these proposals from the viewpoint of the ComingTogether Plan.

First, the one proposal that was immediately passed by Congress is the one that is most objectionable. This is the extension of unemployment benefits. This exacerbates the problems with so many of the government programs — we pay people to NOT work.

It was gratifying to see that the program includes, for some unemployed, payments for finding and keeping a job. This follows a much more reasonable approach of giving people incentive to be productive, rather than the opposite.

Two major proposals in this package are in line with the ComingTogether Plan, so we support them. These are the elimination on the double taxation of corporate profits that are paid out as dividends and the making permanent of the elimination of the death tax.

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