is often called in to advise clients who are struggling to achieve multiple, yet competing, goals.
We take pride in combining business savvy with original ideas and producing a solution which
meets all priority goals, creating a "win-win" situation for our clients.
To see how we work, here are some brief project summaries:
We have enjoyed successful problem-solving in many areas similar to these. if you need help in solving the problems of competing goals at your organization, please contact Dossin Business Solutions, Inc. via the phone, fax, or e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

For another example of our think-outside-the-box solutions, consider this scenario from the political arena: There are those who would like the government to guarantee that no one has unmet 'basic' needs; there are others who would like to see a government with less control over the lives of its citizens. Can both be satisfied? Is there a win-win approach? Give it some thought, then click on Our Solution below, and then either write us — or your senator.