A Personal Example

Comment: I am trying to figure out why the system is geared to help the people who have no interest in getting up and working for themselves and their families? I am tired of trying to make it day by day on a slightly above minimum wage, no housing assistance (2-1/2 year waiting list), no child care assistance (I make $60.00 over the allotted limit), cannot get any bill assistance if an emergency arises (ex. car repairs), because I am not receiving TANF… there are no programs for those that are trying to succeed. I have missed a lot of time with my children because at one point in trying to further my education, I went to college during the day and worked all night… What is wrong with society, that society as a whole is more willing to help someone continually popping out babies and watching TV all day than it is willing to help someone who is needing to maintain their family?  I think that is ridiculous… I hope someone has sense enough to correct the problem.  Thanks, Koreena W.

Response: Exactly! You make our point about means-tested welfare programs very well. Thanks for sharing your personal example. The ComingTogether Plan is our humble proposal to correct the problem.

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