Isn't this plan called “Socialism”?

Comment: This plan is called “Socialism.”  Programs should not encourage sloth or entitlement attitudes – getting “something for nothing.”  It should reward those who work hard.  If everyone received basic needs automatically, many people would choose not to work, and eventually there would not be enough tax to pay for basic needs for everyone.  There are more poor people, or those living on the edge of poverty, than there are individuals who make enough to take care of their own families and shell out the extra for everyone else.  Entitlement is already rampant in our society. 50% of people in the US already do not pay income taxes, and many of those get money back at the end of the year they did not pay in.  The current system is clearly in big trouble, but Socialism is not what our forefathers had in mind.

Sincerely, Karen S.

Response: The word “socialism” is defined as an economy where the means of production are owned by the government. The ComingTogether Plan does not include government ownership of businesses. In fact, we would encourage privatization of businesses already owned by the government, such as the post office and Fannie Mae.

There is a level of entitlement in this ComingTogether Plan.  However, the level of entitlement doesn’t not encourage laziness in the way the current system does. It provides a minimum living standard that is not a trap, but a launching pad into a more productive life.

Also, this ComingTogether Plan eliminates the situation where less than half of the people pay no income tax. We are proposing a completely flat tax on all income.

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