Archive for the ‘Tax Reform’ Category

Wealth Tax

Saturday, December 26th, 2020

Comment received via Facebook: America’s billionaires could give everybody in the country a $3,000 stimulus check and still be richer than before the pandemic. If that does not convince you we need a wealth tax, I do not know what will.

Response: So people have no incentive to work and invest? (more…)

Taxes in disguise

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

We often define taxes as our money (or time) used for government purposes. This is not a dictionary or legal definition; that definition would be “money paid to the government for public purposes.”  But does it really matter whether or not it is paid to the government? If the government requires us to spend money in a certain way, they can say that no tax was raised and be legally correct — but the effect on my pocketbook is the same, whether I write the check directly to the government, or pay someone else to satisfy a government mandate. I still cannot use that money as I wish. (more…)

Tax Credits

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

In the political campaigns of 2008, candidates of both parties have proposed tax credits to accomplish certain social welfare objectives. This is in contrast to the ComingTogether Plan’s approach of separating the tax system from the benefits. Why do we think our approach is better? (more…)

Economic Stimulus

Friday, February 21st, 2003

In January of 2003, President George W. Bush proposed several programs for the purpose of stimulating the United States’ economy. This article provides comments on these proposals from the viewpoint of the ComingTogether Plan. (more…)